Getting Started
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Thank you for purchasing Tracker Pro.
Ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of Tracker Pro from the Unity Asset Store.
Once downloaded, also install TextMeshPro via the Package Manager window.
To begin with, I would suggest opening the demo scene to familiarise yourself with the system prior to integrating with your own scene. Open the demo scene here:
Assets -> TrackerPro -> Scenes
The first thing you'll notice is that there are 4 Prefabs:
AchievementRewardCanvas is the prefab that brings up the notifications when you have granted an achievement.
TrackerProCanvas is the prefab that holds all of the main achievements and stats tracking information and UI elements.
AchievementMaster is the prefab that holds a reference to AchievementMaster.cs and the associated settings file.
StatMaster is the prefab that holds a reference to StatMaster.cs and the associated settings file.
All four prefabs are needed for the system to work!
Next, go into Tools -> Cruxis Creations -> Tracker Pro -> Tracker Pro Manager:
Here you will see the manager window open:
There are two sections at the top:
Achievement Manager - Allows you to create and edit new Achievements
Stats Manager - Allows you to create and edit new Stats
To create a new achievement, please look at this page: Creating a New Achievement
To create a new stat, please look at this page: Creating a New Stat
For further information about the Tracker Pro Manager, and what each field does, take a look at Tracker Pro Manager
For now, lets create a new achievement in our demo scene.
Click on the + Achievement button at the bottom of the window:
Your new achievement should now appear:
Expand that out, and lets add in some information:
For now, fill it out as I have and remember to hit the SAVE CHANGES button:
Now, if you press play on the demo scene you should see your new achievement at the bottom:
Congratulations - you've just created your first achievement! Creating a stat uses the exact same method. Fill in the details -> Hit Save -> It automatically appears!
Integration with your own scene should be just as easy. Just follow these steps:
Ensure you have an EventSystem within the active scene
Drag the following prefabs from the Assets -> TrackerPro -> Prefabs folder into your scene:
Once done, set up your Achievements and Stats in the TrackerPro Manager window (Dont forget to save!!)
Once that's done, it's all complete. Now you just have to call the methods correctly when you need them. See Methods & Functions for more details!