Creating a New Stat


Creating a new stat is super easy and is done within a few clicks.


Click on the + New Stat button at the bottom of the window:

Your new stat should now appear:

Expand that out, and lets add in some information (ensure the ID is unique - it will automatically do this for you but if you run into issues, double check that!):

Remember to hit the save button when done!

Stat Fields


The unique identifier for the stat. MUST be an integer and MUST be unique. This is automatically set for you when creating a new stat.


Name of the statthat is displayed on the UI in-game


The description for the stat that is displayed under the title on the UI in-game

Should We Track the Stat?

Turns on/off tracking for the Stat. Can be used to pause tracking.

Type of Stat

There are currently 3 different types:

  • Numerical - a typical tracking type stat where it simply adds onto the end e.g. Orcs Killed (100)

  • Percentage - a stat that can be displayed on the UI as a percentage e.g. Hit Accuracy Of Bullets

  • TimeSpan - a stat that can be used to track time stats such as Amount of Time In-Game etc.

Current Value

If you are using the Numerical Type - this is the current value

Linked Stat 1 & 2

If you are using the Percentage Type of Stat, you need to link your percentage stat with two others in order to get a value that can be displayed. See Creating a Percentage Stat on how to do it!

Type of TimeSpan

  • Just Seconds - Displays in the UI as "100s".

  • Just Minutes - Displays in the UI as "100m"

  • Just Hours - Displays in the UI as "100h"

  • Just Days - Displays in the UI as "100d"

  • All - Displays in the UI as "100d 23h 59m 59s" - Typically used for in-game timing.

Hidden Stat

Typically used alongside of the Percentage types to hide the two linked stats from appearing.

Creating a Percentage Stat

To create a percentage stat that appears in the scene like this:

Do the following:

  1. In the Tracker Pro Manager, create 2 new numerical stats. I'm using Bullets Fired and Bullets Hit to find the Hit Accuracy (you can hide the stats if you dont want the users to see them):

  1. Create a 3rd stat and make this one a Percentage Type of Stat:

On this stat, ensure that the Linked Stat 1 and Linked Stat 2 have our previous two stats.

For reference, Linked Stat 1 should always be the higher value. As we will fire more than we will hit, Bullets Fired always go's into Linked Stat 1.

Then that's it - the stat will display as a percentage on your UI!

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